After 10 years, here's the new EP and sound from Kraschau which tries to define 20's martial industrial music. Fits well to this decade of madness and degradation of the remnats of European culture: it's dark, chaotic and mechanic. Following the path started on the last, 2014 album, it's now completely sample-based, presenting new techinques backed by tousands of short samples and loops, creating a very dense, multi-layered, massive sound going back to the roots of the martial industrial genre, inspired by bands like Der Blutharsch or Les Joyaux de la Princesse. Yet it still presents glorius, neoclassical and calm ambient passages as a slight glimmer of hope. Originally started as a tribute EP to LJDLP, by recreating tracks from 'Aux petits Enfants de France', but going deeper into the history and audio documents of Vichy France, and being astonished by that era, enough inspiration gained for an original work (but keeping references to LJDLP). - Les Joyaux De La Princesse - And so, this EP is a tribute to 1940-1944 France and Marshal Philipe Pétain. While the everyday politics of his government was described by the commotion of either accepting or opposing the german regime, the ideology of Pétain, a devout catholic was spectacular. He wanted to overthrow modernism, and the ideology of the French Revolution and republicanism, he replaced the infamous masonic slogan to "Labor, Family and Fatherland" and wanted to restore the position of the Catholic Church and the aristocracy. Gaining power from his spirit, we try to fight against modernism and nowadays madness with this short release. Kaschau - Travail, Famille, Patrie, will soon be available in only three versions: Digital, Cassette version and Special Edition (contents still to be specified) Digital version: Tracklist: The limited cassette edition with an alternate tracklist is a real collectors gem for the most devout followers. This edition is almost twice as long as the web version, as almost all tracks are presented as an extended mix. Furthermore, two studio outtakes were added from the recording sessions, which were not used on the final EP (including a Les Joyaux de la Princesse cover), and two ultra rare, remastered early Kraschau tracks.
B1. Jours Sombres 2024 |